Each had its own territory. According to various insiders, films like The Avengers series have served as orchestrated facets in the effort to gradually acclimate the public to the existence of suppressed technology. Clearly, the biggest advantage of solar powered flights, and the factual main purpose of developing them is that they depend on a clean form of energy that causes zero harm to the environment. Even though the first Solar One aircraft was produced in December 1978, four months before the take-off of Mauro Solar Riser, it did not take off before June 1979. TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle created within the Aurora Program. (14.6), 10 Horrible Things You Should Know About Nuclear Attack. There are also many free-floating space stations that have personnel crew and are fully operational on a regular basis. Mining Pools: Why They Are So Popular In 2023, 1.2 Million Years Ago Unknown Human Species Manufactured Obsidian Axe In Mass, Project Stargate: CIA Top Secret Program To Track UFOs & Explore Mars, Former CIA Director Believes In UFOs & His Friends Aircraft Stopped At 40,000 Feet In The Air, Aliens From Andromeda Told US Army Personnel That Humans Are Composite of 22 different E.T. This empire is composed of a variety of different reptilian humanoid species, and the Draco are centrally controlled by a highly advanced artificial intelligence. The Cabal has been controlled by the Draco for centuries, and it is this alliance that is responsible for the commonly made connection between occult practices and Devil worship.. United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. Owing to the inexhaustible supply of solar electricity, solar-powered airplanes have a significant potential for high altitude and long-endurance (HALE) missions. According to conspiracy theorists, Solar Warden is an ultra-secret project that maintains a fleet (or several fleets) of spaceships that are operating within our solar system. According to over a dozen supposed secret space program insiders, these militaristic ambitions were helped along greatly when the Nazis made contact with an extraterrestrial group called the Draco sometime in the 1930s. Solar warden is the popular secret program that has been in operation since late 90s. There is no doubt that the potential of solar flights and solar powered airplanes has gained momentum with the completion of Solar Impulse 1 and 2, the outcomes of the eponymous solar airplane project. They are 6th density. Most members believe that an upcoming electromagnetic shift in solar dynamics will actuate a quantum leap in human awareness. Bestselling author Jerome Corsi has expanded on this point by relaying that factions in the US military recruited Donald Trump to run for president of the United States with their assurances that any efforts to rig the election would be nullified. A reliable source, according to administrators of the Open Minds Forum, revealed its existence and capacities. With the aim of developing low-cost unmanned electric airplanes to take out science missions like communication support and atmospheric studies at altitudes of more than 60,000 feet, ERAST produced several solar-empowered aircraft. That being said, solar aircraft in its current and predicted future forms, can still be useful in fields like atmospheric research and communications. As it turns out, there might be UFOs that were built on Earth, based on technology that originated elsewhere in the universe. While on the other hand many people still want to figure out that what is Secret Space Program (SSP)? Many of these projects assessed the eligibility of sensitive individuals for work as intuitive empaths, which is a position that involves interfacing with extraterrestrials who have evolved beyond the need for vocal utterances. . Cramer recollects visiting Aries Prime, which was the first colony built on the Red Planet. There are least 300 personnel involved at this facility. Enduring, modern and ready now - the austere, multi-mission solution for ISR Strike. Children were raped and murdered in front of other children, MILAB participants were put into virtual reality scenarios in which they were pitted against monsters and forced to fight for their lives, and a general worship of occult practices was prevalent. According to secret space program insiders, American and Russian assets worked together throughout the entirety of the Cold War despite the narrative that was sold to the masses, and the superpowers of the world continue to collaborate on secret space program agenda items with no concern given to the theatrics regularly employed to keep the people of the world entertained and distracted. This thing had no rivets or seams and looked futuristic, though of course, with the low res and number of shades in the image detail was lacking. While the members of the Earth Alliance, the Global Galactic League of Nations, and even the Cabal all agree that the secrets of the clandestine space programs, extraterrestrial contact, and suppressed technologies should be disclosed to the people of the world, there is some contention over how this feat should be accomplished. Designed as an airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. Well, It is like really obvious thing, especially in the pop culture. We can always use less consumed fossil fuels. They are attempting to gradually engineer global society into a state in which this sort of revelation would only cement the role of the Cabal as absolute and eternal overlords over mankind. In exchange for live human subjects to use for biological materials, these aliens would guarantee the military supremacy of the United States. There is a specific Military faction to Secret space programs. His curiosity about UFOs and the existence of extraterrestrials brought great news to conspiracy theorists and UFO researchers. The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) is a combination of corporations (the corporations that have come together, build their resources, and created a vast infrastructure in our solar system) from all over the world that enrich aerospace technologies. In the book,Donna Hare(who was a NASA launch photographic specialist) said that in building 8 of Johnson Space Centre there was a lab set aside, especially for airbrushing out UFOs from high-res sat imagery. To Dominate Space, Mysterious 2000-Year-Old Green Serpentine Mask Found Inside Ancient Pyramid, Man Who Ran Area 51 Claimed They Had Alien Crafts & Non-Human Beings: So Bob Lazar Is telling Truth. This secret space program is run by the U.S. fleet; responsible for monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic or monitoring alien traffic in the solar system. The Fleet's official name name is Solar Warden Space Fleet. Although, the program was unknown to the public, the awareness of this program was largely spread by Gary Mckinnon when he hacked into the computers of the US Space Command many years ago and found out the existence of non-terrestrial officers along with fleet-to-fleet transfers under a program called Solar Warden. Even during the Nazis prime time in the world war, people saw anti-gravity technology-based crafts. The Earth Alliance has been working in the shadows to undo the Cabals efforts to plunge humanity into an eternal darkness of massive depopulation and open technocratic rule. They speak telepathically and, at the same time, use hand signals with one hand. This particular space program is mainly focused on evolution and acquisition of technology. The first trip of the first prototype of Solair took place on 21 August 1983, and it lasted for 5 hours and 40 minutes. The Solaris was a large, long-shaped ship resembling an aircraft carrier mixed with a rocket. According to Cramer, Project Moon Shadow consisted of 300 boys and girls who were trained in strategy, agility, and strength. The story behind this quote is an interesting one. Solar Warden - Established early and is the most aging fleet (though it has gone through many upgrades over the decades). Strict quotas were set to ensure that only a small number of humans would be abducted. In a control room somewhere in the US. McKinnon said that he had found evidence of the following: 1. Aircraft Construction: How are airplanes made? According to alleged secret space program insider Randy Cramer, Project Moon Shadow was a MILAB program designed to train genetically augmented super soldiers. The SSP Alliance essentially holds the reins of the various benevolent secret space programs that operate in and around the Sol System. But still, the main advantages of the AT-802U are low costs, use from any airfield, ease of maintenance. Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada. The one coin to own them all! And It had also been said that the program was operated and tested from a secret military base much like Area 51. The initial contract is for $170 million, with a ceiling of $3 billion for purchase of the full fleet. Solar Warden is a new sci-fi book series by Ian Douglas, currently consisting of novels Alien Secrets and Alien Hostiles. Was this merely a joke or was he hinting at something? But, If it is found out to be real then it would change the views on space exploration along with space travel. I remember back in my early childhood, maybe 6or7 I was kind ofgazing up at the sky thinking someday soon we will land on the moon, wait weve already been there. He wrote: About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their program and that it was terminated by the President. Various mediumistic channels, such as the creators of the Law of One book series, indicate that a basic blueprint of human life is encoded into the quantum framework of the galaxy itself. United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. Whether these programs are myth or reality is hard to tell. It is still fun to catch a sight of shooting stars when we grow up. Also, there is a wide barter system in which human trafficking happens in order to gain new technologies. One was lost recently to an accident in Mars' orbit while it was attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. While the purpose of Solar Warden is the defense of the solar system, the objective of the ICC is trade.[3]. In 2015, the British Interplanetary Society (BIS) held a distinctly odd meeting. I kind of always believed we are not alone.We have never been alone, All advanced technology came from Nephilim. According to insider lore, much of the information received by the American military-industrial complex regarding UFOs was transmitted by captured Nazi assets who had helped reverse-engineer ancient Vimana craft that the Vril and Thule societies had found in the Himalayas. In October of the same year, Solar Impulse 2 completed both its first night flight and its first flight at maximum altitude. And we say successful because reports of early attempts to fly aircraft using electricity date back to the 19th century. Caught in 2002, he was facing up to 70 years in prison and several million dollars in fines. An uncrewed, solar-powered aircraft from Skydweller Aero will fly 90-day missions with an on-board analytic system capable of rapidly processing the vast amounts of data it collects. He said: Its a fact that there are objects we dont understand flying around in our skies, its also a fact that there are scientific, intelligence and military departments that study these objects. If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a, Who is the US fighting: Alien UFOs or Enemy Spy-Balloons, Speculation of Alien Invasion Grows After Reports of Downed UFOs in the US, A new planet with rings has been discovered in the solar system, Sydney Nessie: Hunt for the Australian Hawkesbury River Monster, Illinois 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, IL 60457-1700, William Tompkins: Earth Is a Battleground Between Warring Alien Cultures, Elizabeth Klarer: The Woman Who Gave Birth To an Alien Baby, Flying Triangles in 1965: These Bizarre Objects Are Not Ours, USA government sponsored remote viewing program, New theory suggests that we travel to Parallel Universes when we dream. This is a primary thing about this GGLN space program. Well, whether it is ancient time or pop culture, it is pretty impossible to hide some space program, especially the programs which are actually based on monitoring alien traffic on the solar system. General Igor Malsev, Chief of the General Staff for Air Defense. . At a lecture held in 1993 at the UCLA alumni center, Ben Rich, the former CEO of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works held a speech about the advancements in space engineering during the previous 40 years. Others say they're involved in the covert colonization of space. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. has launched many lesser-known solar empowered aviation ventures and projects as a part of its Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology program (ERAST). The SSP Alliance has also made contact with the Galactic Federation, which is composed of hundreds of different benevolent extraterrestrial races.[11]. container: 'taboola-mid-article-thumbnails', In the ancient times number of people had presented themselves as small-sized creatures to less-developed civilizations. They are avian humanoids. This prototype is transmitted to each star in the galaxy, and each star transmits this program to its planets. I found building 8 by reading the comment sections of the PCs via the command console, these fields are used for auditing and luckily NASA filled them all in, so i knew which PCs were in building 8. 62 open jobs for Materials engineer in Warden. . When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of "non-terrestrial officers" and "fleet-to-fleet transfers" and a secret program called "Solar Warden", he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed "the biggest military computer hack of all time . It is widely believed in the insider community that the Roswell UFO Incident was indeed an instance of a crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft. Also the United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. And we might have a space fleet without knowing it. Helios, the last model developed by ERAST two years before its termination in 2003, traversed the sky at an altitude of 96,963 feet. The Dark Fleet, which is mainly composed of ethnic Germans, is used by the Draco to defend existing territory and conquer new planets in other star systems. At least 3 billion dollars, plus TR-3B that flew through 1994. A secret military tribunal was established, and over 25,000 sealed indictments have been filed at PACER.gov since October 2017. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); window._taboola = window._taboola || []; The Earth Alliance wants full disclosure to occur now so that humanity can reap the benefits of free or zero-point energy, superluminal spaceflight, and advanced medical technologies, but they are fully aware that such a divulgence would entirely crash the current global economic system and engender total worldwide chaos until a new order could be established. QFSWALLETS!! And thats when conspiracy voices start mentioning the deep black budgets. The Indefinite Delivery (IDIQ) contract includes a cost ceiling of $3 billion for delivery of up to 75 manned, fixed wing aircraft, with an initial program contract award of $170 million. The image was coming down very slowly via the Java-based Remotely Anywhere program so I cut the color to 4-bit (16 colors/shades) and the lowest res which was 640480 I think, it may even have been 320240. It is said that there are approx eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small "scout ships. However, the U.K. never extradited him to the U.S. and McKinnon managed to avoid prison. . presskit. These children would be born and live a few normal years before being brought aboard secret space program craft in the dead of night. This practice of seeding hidden truths into mass media productions is called predictive programming, and it is also apparently used by the Cabal to hijack our co-creative consciousness to bring about deleterious situations. The TR-3B is an example of a commonly sighted ARV. The solar warden is also known as Radiant Guardian which is divided into two fleets: a military offensive/defensive fleet and a scientific/R&D fleet. It covers strange, mysterious, unexplained, and astonishing news. Howandwhys brings you the most extraordinary stories that happen in the universe. Others say they're involved in the covert colonization of space. Some of these aircraft are apparently capable of speeds in excess of Mach 10. McKinnon was discovered just as he was examining the image of a UFO stored in a NASA computer in Johnson Space Centers Building 8. In 2010, UFO researcher and investigator Darren Perks requested the United States Department of Defense to reveal information about the secret program known as Solar Warden, using his freedom of information.
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