Thomas Rigby reveals that he and Eileen have been secretly dating for a few months. A good example of this is in "Eggscellent". Mordecai fails to calm CJ down, and the turbulence's of the chopper keep making him give CJ wrong impressions. Mordecai's Parents Fist Pump Mordecai had taken her as his own daughter when her father and mother died." He also admits that he is not sure whether he should go out with CJ, or wait for Margaret to come back. The Seer of the universe mentions she preferred CJ over Margaret when she brings up Mordecai's love life. After a long day, Mordecai asks CJ if she would like to go to the movies, with her cutting him off in agreement. Prayerfully study: Esther 2:5-11, 15-23 The king chooses Esther to be his new queen. Mordecai and C.J break up for a while because CJ still believes Mordecai loves Margaret, but that's because Mordecai is terrible at admitting his true feelings for C.J. Mordecai and CJ eventually start dating after they patch things up with Margaret gone. - Mordecai referring to Rigby. She also mentions that she wishes she could just quit work and sleep all day or watch TV. In "A Regular Epic Final Battle", she leaves her post at work after it is reported the Park Dome has returned, and she hugs Eileen. In the future, Mordecai has 3 children with Stef, 2 sons and one daughter. Susan In "Portable Toilet", CJ causes Mordecai and Rigby to get locked in a portable toilet. He was the first character to speak in the. She was the second serious girlfriend he was shown having within the show. I was more sad with Skips and Mona forever lost. He likes to sing along to KanYe Wests I Wonder in his album Graduation. After the fact that Margaret has a boyfriend calms her, he tries to give her the promised cake piece, but she declines out of remorse and feels horrible for not believing him and nearly killing Margaret's parents about nothing, so she leaves, crying. Mordecai didn't do what he did for Esther, the king, and his people because he was hoping to be placed in a royal position; he did what he did because it was right in the eyes of God and knew that even if his actions caused his death, he would have eternal life with his Father. However, befitting her cloud-like nature, if pushed too far, CJ will morph into a mass array of thunder storms with rain, lightning, and damaging winds. Mordecai likes Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost at times, but he doesn't approve of their personality, especially Muscle Man's "my mom" jokes. Also, Mordecai and the other park employees (except Benson) help Muscle Man in "The Longest Weekend" when they keep an eye on him to keep him from seeing Starla, so she will not break up with him to test their love after seeing a movie called The Longest Weekend. She is shown to be able to make twisters, lightning, rain, and gale-force winds when she is in this state. In "I Like You Hi", Mordecai begins to realize that he has romantic feelings for CJ, but he's hesitant to admit them because he also still has feelings for Margaret, and part of him is still waiting for her to come back. This caused Mordecai to get expelled, but he was still able to get into junior college, where he studied Art.[1][2]. "And all the king's servants who were at the king's gate bowed down and paid homage to Haman, for the king had so commanded concerning him. The first time CJ interacts with Margaret is in the episode "Yes Dude Yes". CJ officially meets Margaret in "Merry Christmas Mordecai", while at Eileen's sweater party. Margaret finally reveals Del is not her boyfriend, and apologizes to CJ saying she was sick of feeling like a tourist around her own friends. When Margaret is notified of the issue at hand, Margaret immediately arrives to the beach in her father's helicopter, and reports the sea turtle abusers. #13. Mordecai explains that he doesn't have feelings for her anymore, but also admits that he still thinks of her sometimes. After they take off their masks CJ is shocked to see that she was kissing Mordecai and, while Mordecai is distracted by Rigby, she flees the party. Despite both of them being birds, Mordecai and Margaret sport a full set of teeth on their beaks and have two "toes" instead of the standard four. In "Sad Sax", one of Sad Sax Guy's suggestions for Mordecai to win back CJ was to have Margaret to talk to CJ and straighten everything out. Jerry, Dr. Dome On many occasions, Mordecai and Rigby have shown an interest in rapping (Ex. Throughout Seasons 1-3, she served as Mordecai's love interest where they kissed and dated in Season Four, but they broke up after Margaret left town for college in "Steak Me Amadeus" and they agreed to remain just friends after she has returned, and after a love triangle involving her, Mordecai, and CJ occurred. help please . Neither. Mordecai is really good friends with Pops. The door gets stuck and the toilet is sent to be destroyed at a military target range. What they don't know is that Margaret was lying about having a boyfriend so that CJ wouldn't kill her. Benny Harris Rigby even teases him the next day, saying: "Did you put your arm around CJ?". 406K views 1 year ago Regular Show's run on Cartoon Network was long, and at one point focused on Mordecai's love life. She accidentally gets Mordecai and Rigby into serious trouble after daring Mordecai to eat a sandwich in a portable toilet. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It is also proven that CJ is adapting fast to the 'irregular' things that happen when she is with Mordecai. But then, in the middle of remembering the good times they had with each other, they wind up kissing each other. "We felt like the Margaret / CJ story was complete, and they were both on their own path already. Mitsuru Shinehara [13], The following New Year's Eve, Mordecai met a girl called Tracy Hashtag, who he planned to kiss at the annual New Year's masquerade. Mordecai's favorite band is Brain Explosion. CJ did not want to understand Mordecais' feelings, and Mordecai didn't want to stand up for anyone, himself included. She is also very protective of Mordecai and has become extremely angry and stormy when he is endangered. Even though he yells at Mordecai and Rigby a lot, it seems that Benson never gets angry at Mordecai on his own. Mordecai still being nervous around her, accidentally causes a series of events to occur that act like a domino effect, which eventually causes Eileen's Mistletoe Disco Ball to fall into a bowl of punch. At the date, they seemed to be getting along well, until Margaret was forced to tell the truth to avoid the Kiss-cam. Mordecai tries to save Margaret, but she calms CJ when she reveals that she is in a relationship with news anchor, Del Hanlon, which stuns Mordecai and surprises her parents. Blu-ray When upset or angry, her skin turns a reddish-grey and her entire body becomes a giant storm cloud. Stef and Mordecai are both artists, and they met each other at an art gallery where their work was on display. CJ/Mordecai; CJ (Regular Show) Mordecai (Regular Show) Rigby (Regular Show) Summary. She then reluctantly declines his offer, and runs out the restaurant crying, leaving Mordecai heartbroken. Rigby has been Mordecai's best friend since they were toddlers. CJ Even though Mordecai still doesn't consider CJ as his girlfriend (because he hasn't officially asked her and they just started dating), one could tell that they are quickly connecting. Scottie Timmy (boy) After the breakup, mordecai was depressed and ended up in dumptown USA, where he would agree to take a break from dating and find out who he is. Linda Cardellini "We felt like the Margaret / CJ story was complete, and they were both on their own path already. Mordecai and C.J decide to break up for a bit because CJ still thinks Mordecai loves Margaret, but it's really because Mordecai is really bad at admitting his true feelings for C.J. Thus revealing that she supports CJ's decision to be with Mordecai, and she will do anything to help her best friend. Principal Party Horse Ajay Maldonaldo Mordecai saves the king's life. They appear to be in their teen years, based on the time montage. On the side, she finds time to make wise/teasing remarks to Mordecai; "burning" him, as Rigby states, twice in that episode. When he was five or six years old, he had buck teeth and didn't have the black stripes on his tail feathers or fingers. After the date, CJ leaves angrily after finding out that Margaret was lying about Del being her boyfriend and Mordecai runs after her. Tape Hunter In "Merry Christmas Mordecai", Mordecai becomes nervous when he hears that Margaret will be there. There also had been running gags of both of them beating up both Beavis and Rigby mostly whenever they do something stupid, they've also been guilty of poking fun and making jokes at both Beavis and Rigby's expense. After being pressured by many people, Mordecai manages to kiss Margaret during the meteor shower. though it never seems to last and most of his attempts are usually awkward, Butt-Head on the other hand often fails miserably with his attempts being often crude and straight forward which results in him getting slapped in the face or immediately rejected. CJ was better for him. As seen in Regular Show: The Movie, Mordecai first became friends with Rigby after finding him funny in Kindergarten. Death Bear Once they figure out that Youth Topia is using turtles to make themselves young, they are trapped in a cop car. As a little girl, as seen in "Daddy Issues", CJ wore her hair in pigtails and the fringe in it was worn lower. He began online dating and found a girl called CJ, who he had a lot in common with. Ladonna 10 Esther's patience paved the way for a remarkable chain of events. Haman left the first banquet in high spirits, "joyful and merry of heart" that the king and queen favored him so. Rigby accidentally pushes Mordecai into CJ, though because it was a masquerade party they don't recognize each other. Esther 3:1-6, 8-11, 13 Mordecai refuses to bow to Haman. This leaves CJ heartbroken, causing her to flee the scene. is the one who leaves (with C.J. Evil Brain Mordecai and Margaret agree that their future looks like it will be really great, but that they are still young and should take it easy on relationships. At first they seem to be getting along, and she even joined the crowd cheering for Margaret to kiss Del in front of the Kiss-cam. Mr. Maellard He is eventually convinced by his past selves that a cool lady like CJ can handle this and that she would not be cool with someone who was a jerk to his mom. Later, when CJ is in the bathroom, Margaret tells Mordecai that she didn't expect him to wait for her and that she is happy for him. Another example of Mordecai being a badass is when he tackled Death Bear (a huge, killer grizzly bear) to save his friends (Eileen, Margaret, and Rigby) from danger. Heartbroken over what she had just witnessed, she runs out of Eileen's house crying and drives away before Mordecai could catch her. Mordecai and CJ broke up later in the week at Muscle Man's wedding. Park Avenue He brought up his cousin Hadassah as his own child after she lost her parents (see Esther 2:7 ). Why did Mordecai not bow to Haman? However, her father shuts him down when he called him a "sensitive guy" and that the only trophy he probably won was for crying. Early drawings of CJ show her with having a more cloud person appearance, but she was eventually designed to look more human-like. According to "The Art of Regular Show", Sean Szeles came up with CJs design. In the future, CJ and Margaret are the inspiration for Mordecai in his abstract artwork. Joel, Fi, & Kai Dr. Henry He and Rigby greet him in a friendly manner and show concern for him when Muscle Man continuously pranks him, causing them both to go to Skips and Benson about it. [27]. K.I.L.I.T. Later in the montage, an older Mordecai is shown to be somewhat a little heavier, with hair on his chest and more stubble on his face, and he is wearing thick light green glasses and a light green collared shirt. This episode is the Season Six finale and finally deals with Mordecai's relationship issues. He was too wishy-washy with them!!". "I'LL KILL YOU!" When he and Rigby bought beds, he took Rigby's and stacked it under his and told him that they didn't bring it, due to it being really comfortable. Joanne Hanatronic White Benson can be strict and honest with him, such as the time when Mordecai thought Margaret was engaged, he tells Mordecai firmly that he never told Margaret how he really felt about her and therefore he should not even be depressed. Official Couple: Rigby and Eileen are now officially dating - in fact they had been for several months. Instead of getting outright angry, he asks Mordecai what his problem was. So after CJ hears that Eileen just wants them to be friends, she feels bad that Eileen is sad over this and decides to talk to Mordecai about this dilemma. In The Power, Mordecai reveals that he is 23 years old, along with Rigby. Upset by his actions (saying that they are typical), she turned into a massive array of storm-clouds and began to destroy The Coffee Shop. After a few failed ideas of escape, CJ thinks of Eileen and how the turtles were so important to her, so she drops her resentment for Margaret and ends up calling her for help which turns out to be a successful plan that end with liberated turtles and a happy Eileen. Phone Guardians Ziggy Rich Steve In "Skips vs. Technology", Mordecai and Rigby print him a note that shows him how much they care about him and what he does for the park. It is difficult, though, to explain the position of the Dayanim according to this Midrash. When her life begins to spiral out of control, Judy must confront her past and decide whether she will swim.or sink. Her height is 5'8". In "1000th Chopper Flight Party", Mordecai is still awkward with her presence and afraid to screw up, even to the point of letting Rigby constantly mess up the Party as a diversion just to keep her away from him. City Tour GuideProfessional Dodgeball Player (future) Rapper (One episode) CJ goes up against him one-on-one in a miniature golf championship and finally beats him, earning his respect and overcoming her sense of inferiority. However, Mordecai and Margaret accidentally kiss in front of CJ after reminiscing about the past. During the finale, Mordecai is seen drawing an abstract art that features her and Margaret, showing that she and Margaret are still special to him despite their break-ups. They both work at the park together with Benson as their boss. Mantis King This causes Eileen to be filled with joy because it looks like CJ has cut the rift she had with Margaret. Yes Dude Yes The next time we see them together is in "Survival Skills"; in Mordecai's imagination, where they appear to be fighting. CJ has the ability to turn into a giant storm cloud and produce bad weather when she gets angry or upset, as seen in "Yes Dude Yes", "Real Date", and "1000th Chopper Flight Party". No Rules Man Plus it was nice to watch the growing bond (even though it was awkward at first) between the two of them.. Why didn't Mordecai end up with CJ? Together, they had three children. Don Benson also treats Mordecai with the same level of respect as the other workers. Why did Margaret leave regular show? Their relationship did get closure in Just Friends, but not all relationships do. Unicorns Suit Every episode that has ever aired has always shown the two as a duo. But then when they officially meet, they do not remember the past incident until Mordecai refreshes their memory. CJ then leaves the party crying as Margaret, Mordecai, Eileen, and Del Hanlon watching her leave. Mother Duck Mordecai is tall, skinny and anthropomorphic blue jay. CJ and Eileen leap into another toilet being hauled away and manage to save the guys. Celia Russel Matchmaker McIntyre, Daphne Gonzales The two are virtually inseparable, always finding ways to forgive any breaks in their friendship. In "Merry Christmas Mordecai", Eileen invites Mordecai and Rigby to her Sweater Party. Baby Ducks Regular Show Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Mordecai then lifts the tension with a joke and they finally start to have a fun chat. In, Sad Sax, he goes to his mother for advice on how to win CJ back. Sir Gabelthorp Halloween Wizard Relatives: Still troubled by what he did, she declines saying "No, I just don't think I can be your friend right now. Both had verbs invented and named after them by their friends. On the other hand, a PostDoc is a temporary working position that is assigned by some institution, whose completion does not require any defence. Mordecai is one of the seven main characters of Regular Show. This is after Mordecai and CJ become good friends after Mordecai believes Margaret is engaged. [4] They ended up finding that no experience was required for a job at the city Park, and got a job there as a groundskeeper. It is noted that his chest is sometimes light blue, but its main color is white, like all Blue Jays. Death's Wife CrewCrew When Margaret leaves, CJ is concerned whether Mordecai still has feelings for Margaret. We also felt like Mordecai had moved on in his life. Despite this, in "Don" he seemed to favour Rigby's younger brother, Don, spending lots of time with him and leaving Rigby in his shadow. In "Real Date", Mordecai and CJ go on their first real date together. As Haman passed through the castle gate, though, his eyes fell on Mordecai, that Jew who still refused to pay him special homage. What is the difference between PhD and postdoctoral? Chad Guardian of Secrets Matt Price explained why Mordecai didn't end up with Margaret or CJ: "We felt like the Margaret / CJ story was complete, and they were both on their own path already. In "Rigby's Graduation Day" Special, she was very worried as she watched Mordecai and the other park workers were shot into space, even saying his name in concern. In "Play Date", CJ and Mordecai go on their first date, both trying to act cool in front of the other. I actually thought Mordecai and Margaret were a good match, although still good as friends. Recap Robot Glmb Diane During this, they both sat on Margaret's car while stargazing, while venting about their future. Earl In "Daddy Issues", CJ's father is revealed to be Carl Putter, a cloud-person like her who is a champion miniature golfer. [7], Some time later, Mordecai falsely assumed that Margaret had got engaged, which led him to a deep depression. Hair to the Throne [10] However, since Mordecai never kissed Margaret back, they both entered the Friend Zone, but managed to break out when Mordecai finally kissed her during a meteor shower. Turns out it was Mordecai who disrupts the wedding and C.J. - Mordecai (quote from the episode, "It's Time"). Stef. Haman plans to kill all the Jews. Trucker Group Nah NAH NAH Mordecai and Marget were a cringeworthy pair they were so much better as friends. Upon finding his phone, he notices that all of Margaret's stuff is there and Eileen tells him she is staying as an intern. [23], Mordecai soon decided he was going to take a break from dating, [24] and ended up getting sent to space with the rest of the Park Members to prepare for an epic battle between Pops and Anti-Pops, who's real name is Malum Kranus. CJ has a kind, laid back, and cool personality, being an individual who enjoys a lot of the same things that Mordecai does, including video games, rock bands, and generally goofing off, though she deeply cares for her friends. Cloud Humanoid Uncle Steve While signing autographs, Mordecai and Stef bumped into each other, and we see them stare at each other. However, when Margaret sees both of them at the Soda Table, she is not surprised in seeing Mordecai hanging out with CJ, nor was CJ surprised to see Margaret. Mordecai fails to calm her with various environmental triggers giving more of a wrong impression. Despite it never being revealed why they never grew up together or what led to their animosity towards each other, the plot was about Dark Mordecai getting his revenge on him. Francis Jablonski Mordecai is the only park crew that using a touched-screen smartphone. This caused the two to attempt to finish a time machine project, which resulted in them blowing up the science department. Eggscellent Knight Astronauts In "Dodge This", they meet once again, and after facing their history together, they are able to become friends. However, as soon as he discovers a sweater that Margaret left behind, he becomes fixated on returning it to her, despite Rigby's continuous advice to get over Margaret leaving town. Cat Masterson Party Horse 42699 Mordecai and CJ broke up later in the week at Muscle Man's wedding. This young woman, who was also known as Esther, had a lovely figure and was beautiful. Therefore, Mordecai's most obvious shortcoming is his inability to engage his love interests by speaking his heart. This interview also revealed that Matt Price thinks CJ went on to become a professional dodgeball player, and that she no longer speaks to Mordecai, Rigby, Eileen, or Margaret. Timmy She urges Mordecai to go there and have fun, while he promises to save her cake, and thanks her for being the best girlfriend. I even watched last episode but i dont understand the whole point of this story!! This is most likely a reference to J.G. In "Real Date", he almost got killed when. Ballroom Ghosts Negative Rigby Muscle Man's Mom [15] Some time later, Mordecai accidentally confessed his love for her over text, and they agreed to go on a date together, where they kissed. As everyone starts kissing their dates, Mordecai goes to find CJ, but encounters Margaret instead. An example is in "The Unicorns Have Got to Go" when Mordecai tries to attract Margaret with DudeTime but ends up attracting a group of ill-mannered, lazy, and irresponsible unicorns that wreak havoc. Did Mordecai and CJ break up? In "Rigby's Graduation Day Special", she sees the park blasting off into space where she appears to be a bit shocked like everyone else during the event, but according to Matt Price, she was originally supposed to react by rolling her eyes as if to say "Whatever, I'm glad that guy's in space.".
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