The vacant space (outage) may be charged with a nonflammable nonliquefied compressed gas if the pressure in the cylinder or sphere at 55 C (130 F) does not exceed 125 percent of the marked service pressure. If not impact resistant, the outer packaging should not be used as the sole means of protecting the battery terminals from damage or short circuiting. Wall thickness must be verified ultrasonically at intervals midway between periodic hydraulic tests (every 2.5 years). d. A chemical under pressure with components meeting the properties of: Class 1 (explosives); Class 3 (liquid desensitized explosives); Division 4.1 (self-reactive substances and solid desensitized explosives); Division 4.2 (substances liable to spontaneous combustion); Division 4.3 (substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases or toxic gases); Division 5.1 (oxidizing substances); Division 5.2 (organic peroxides); Division 6.2 (Infectious substances); or, Class 7 (Radioactive material), must not be offered for transportation under this description. (2) To the extent a special provision imposes limitations or additional requirements on the packaging provisions set forth in column 8 of the 172.101 table, packagings must conform to the requirements of the special provision. B85 Cargo tanks must be marked with the name of the lading in accordance with the requirements of 172.302(b). 173 For adhesives, printing inks, printing ink-related materials, paints, paint-related materials, and resin solutions which are assigned to UN3082, and do not meet the definition of another hazard class, metal or plastic packaging for substances of packing groups II and III in quantities of 5 L (1.3 gallons) or less per packaging are not required to meet the UN performance package testing when transported: a. Formulations with low nitrocellulose contents and neither showing dangerous properties when tested for their ability to detonate, deflagrate or explode when heated under defined confinement by the appropriate test methods and criteria in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), nor classed as a Division 4.1 (flammable solid) when tested in accordance with the procedures specified in 173.124 of this subchapter (chips, if necessary, crushed and sieved to a particle size of less than 1.25 mm), are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. (2) They must be packed in strong outer packagings and the completed package must be capable of withstanding a 1.8 meter (5.9 feet) drop without leakage of gas contents from detectors. When a placard is displayed, the placard must be the placard shown in 172.560. These notes are explained at the end of each TABLE. 422 When labelling is required, the label to be used must be the label shown in 172.447. B81 Venting and pressure relief devices for tank car tanks and cargo tanks must be approved by the Associate Administrator. B18 Open steel hoppers or bins are authorized. In accordance with Special Provision 8 in 172.102, which is referenced in Column 7 of the Hazardous Materials Table (HMT; 172.101) for the entry "UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.," a hazardous substance that is not a hazardous waste may be shipped under the shipping description "Other regulated substances . (h) Column 7: Special provisions. A4 Liquids having an inhalation toxicity of Packing Group I are not permitted on aircraft. N32 Aluminum materials of construction are not authorized for single packagings. B10 MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, and MC 306 and DOT 406 cargo tanks, and DOT 57 portable tanks are not authorized. 78 This entry may not be used to describe compressed air which contains more than 23.5 percent oxygen. For single packagings, each packaging must correspond to a design type that has passed a leakproofness test at the Packing Group II level. The material must be loaded dry. These requirements must be met in addition to the design and construction specifications in part 178 of this subchapter. 146 This description may be used for a material that poses a hazard to the environment but does not meet the definition for a hazardous waste or a hazardous substance, as defined in 171.8 of this subchapter, or any hazard class, as defined in part 173 of this subchapter, if it is designated as environmentally hazardous by another Competent Authority. For the regulatory description of the codes for special provisions, please refer to 49 CFR 172.102. Tables 1, 2, and 3 follow: 1 Flexible plastic (51H) Large Packagings are only authorized for use with flexible inner packagings. Pressure relief devices shall be designed to prevent the entry of foreign matter, the leakage of liquid and the development of any dangerous excess pressure. The map below, compiled from data provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is the most accurate nuclear attack map and fallout demonstration available for 2023: (Image courtesy of FEMA and Halcyon Maps) The fallout would rapidly spread, turning targeted cities into whole affected regions. Outage must be at least 5 percent at 98 C (208 F). 3 This material is poisonous by inhalation (see 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard Zone C (see 173.116(a) of this subchapter), and must be described as an inhalation hazard under the provisions of this subchapter. Net weight of contents in wooden boxes, barrels or kegs may not exceed 45 kg (99 pounds). 136 This entry applies only to articles, machinery, and apparatus containing hazardous materials as an integral element of the article, machinery, or apparatus. A34 Aerosols containing a corrosive liquid in Packing Group II charged with a gas are not permitted for transportation by aircraft. Other inorganic nitrate salts may replace part of the ammonium nitrate. 62 Oxygen generators (see 171.8 of this subchapter) are not authorized for transportation under this entry. metal other than steel or aluminum (50N). When column 7 of the Hazardous Materials Table (49 CFR 172.101) includes a special provision code for an entry in the table, the requirement of that code or codes, there may be several of them is in addition to the generalpackaging requirements of173.24and any other applicable packaging requirements in Part 173. A8 For combination packagings, if glass inner packagings (including ampoules) are used, they must be packed with cushioning material in tightly closed metal receptacles before packing in outer packagings. N92 Notwithstanding the provisions of 173.24(g) of this subchapter, packagings shall be designed and constructed to permit the release of gas or vapor to prevent a build-up of pressure that could rupture the packagings in the event of loss of stabilization. For criteria in determining what is a new lighter design, see 173.308(b)(1). 347 Effective July 1, 2011, for transportation by aircraft, this entry may only be used if the results of Test series 6(d) of Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) have demonstrated that any hazardous effects from accidental functioning are confined to within the package. The standards for CTMVs capable of transporting multiple hazardous materials for blasting in bulk and non-bulk packagings (i.e., a multipurpose bulk truck (MBT)). A chemical under pressure packaged in an aerosol dispenser must be transported under UN1950. Each inner packaging is contained in a sealed leak-proof intermediate packaging with sufficient absorbent material capable of containing the contents of the inner packaging; c. Intermediate packagings are securely packed in an outer packaging of a type permitted by 173.158(g) of this subchapter which meet the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter at the Packing Group I performance level; d. The maximum quantity of nitric acid in the package does not exceed 300 mL; and. View the most recent official publication: These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. Specification IBCs and FIBCs are to be secured to a pallet. Testing must be performed or witnessed by a person who is approved by the Associate Administrator (see 173.56(b) of this subchapter). 149 When transported as a limited quantity or a consumer commodity, the maximum net capacity specified in 173.150(b)(2) of this subchapter for inner packagings may be increased to 5 L (1.3 gallons). 360 Vehicles powered only by lithium batteries must be described using UN3171, Battery-powered vehicle. Lithium batteries installed in a cargo transport unit, designed only to provide power external to the transport unit, must be described using UN3536, Lithium batteries installed in a cargo transport unit., 361 Capacitors with an energy storage capacity of 0.3 Wh or less are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. Table I - Maximum Ambient Temperature - Gasoline. Air must be eliminated from the vapor space by nitrogen or other means. A6 For combination packagings, if plastic inner packagings are used, they must be packed in tightly closed metal receptacles before packing in outer packagings. This molecular arrangement is exactly the same as that for dithioketo QA [5]. This training must be documented in training records required by 172.704(d). The HMT provides the basic information necessary to ship a hazardous material safely. (1) Numeric provisions. (i) Column 8: Packaging authorizations. c. Primary receptacles may also be further packed in specification bulk outer packagings. Organization and Purpose B4 MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, and MC 306 and DOT 406 cargo tanks are not authorized. For UN 3176, this requirement only applies when the hazardous material reacts dangerously with water. (2) A code containing the letter A refers to a special provision which applies only to transportation by aircraft. The purpose of this article is to explain the meaning of the coding system for the Special Provisions of column 7 in order to facilitate your review and understanding of them and how they may apply to your shipment of a hazardous material. 164 Substances must not be transported under this entry unless approved by the Associate Administrator on the basis of the results of appropriate tests according to Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). Column 7 Lists the additional (special) provisions that apply to this material. As a TP20 This hazardous material must only be transported in insulated tanks under a nitrogen blanket. N43 Metal drums are permitted as single packagings only if constructed of nickel or monel. For a battery whose voltage (electrical potential) exceeds 9 volts -, (1) When contained in a device, the device must be packaged in a manner that prevents unintentional activation or must have an independent means of preventing unintentional activation (e.g., packaging restricts access to activation switch, switch caps or locks, recessed switches, trigger locks, temperature sensitive circuit breakers, etc. 13 The words Inhalation Hazard shall be entered on each shipping paper in association with the shipping description, shall be marked on each non-bulk package in association with the proper shipping name and identification number, and shall be marked on two opposing sides of each bulk package. Enhanced content is provided to the user to provide additional context. If you have questions for the Agency that issued the current document please contact the agency directly. A100 Lithium ion cells and batteries must be offered for transport at a state of charge not exceeding 30 percent of their rated capacity. Outage must be sufficient to prevent tanks from becoming liquid full at 55 C (130 F). The articles may be transported as in Division 1.4 Compatibility Group D (1.4D) if all of the conditions specified in 173.63(a) of this subchapter are met. TP3 The maximum degree of filling (in %) for solids transported above their melting points and for elevated temperature liquids shall be determined by the following: Where: df and dr are the mean densities of the liquid at the mean temperature of the liquid during filling and the maximum mean bulk temperature during transport respectively. (i) These provisions apply to the transportation of hazardous materials in UN portable tanks. N40 This material is not authorized in the following packagings: a. These articles must be tested in accordance with Test series 6(c) of Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (incorporated by reference; see 171.7 of this subchapter), with no explosion of the device, no fragmentation of device casing or pressure vessel, and no projection hazard or thermal effect that would significantly hinder fire-fighting or other emergency response efforts in the immediate vicinity. 387 When materials are stabilized by temperature control, the provisions of 173.21(f) of this subchapter apply. The tank car specification may be marked to indicate a test pressure of 13.79 Bar (200 psig). TP25 Sulphur trioxide 99.95% pure and above may be transported in tanks without an inhibitor provided that it is maintained at a temperature equal to or above 32.5 C (90.5 F). A13 Bulk packagings are not authorized for transportation by aircraft. 144 If transported as a residue in an underground storage tank (UST), as defined in 40 CFR 280.12, that has been cleaned and purged or rendered inert according to the American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 1604 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), then the tank and this material are not subject to any other requirements of this subchapter. (iv) T75. 350 Ammonium bromate, ammonium bromate aqueous solutions, and mixtures of a bromate with an ammonium salt are forbidden for transport. Effective January 1, 2012, for transportation by vessel, this entry may only be used if the results of Test Series 6(d) of Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) have demonstrated that any hazardous effects from accidental functioning are confined to within the package. The only tank car tanks authorized are Class DOT 105 tank cars having a test pressure of 2,069 kPa (300 psig) or greater. The components may be placed in the same outer packaging provided they will not interact dangerously in the event of leakage. The numbers and letters in the special provisions column are referred to in 49 CFR 172.102 with an explanation of their meanings. 389 This entry only applies to lithium ion batteries or lithium metal batteries installed in a cargo transport unit and designed only to provide power external to the cargo transport unit. When such batteries are transported in accordance with 173.185(c), the total lithium content of all lithium metal cells contained in the battery must not exceed 1.5 g and the total capacity of all lithium ion cells contained in the battery must not exceed 10 Wh. 113 The sample must be given a tentative approval by an agency or laboratory in accordance with 173.56 of this subchapter. "Published Edition". (contains magnesium, magnesium nitrides) in PG II or III may be packaged in sift-proof bulk packagings that prevent liquid from reaching the hazardous material with sufficient venting to preclude dangerous accumulation of flammable, corrosive or toxic gaseous emissions such as methane, hydrogen and ammonia. Retain a copy of each notification of pilot-in-command if requested for up to 30 days Which one of the following hazardous materials is NOT excepted from the quantity limitations in 175.75? B57 Class 115A tank car tanks used to transport chloroprene must be equipped with a non-reclosing pressure relief device of a diameter not less than 305 mm (12 inches) with a maximum rupture disc pressure of 310 kPa (45 psig). B32 MC 312, MC 330, MC 331, DOT 412 cargo tanks and DOT 51 portable tanks must be made of stainless steel, except that steel other than stainless steel may be used in accordance with the provisions of 173.24b(b) of this subchapter. 22 If the hazardous material is in dispersion in organic liquid, the organic liquid must have a flash point above 50 C (122 F). 338 Life Saving appliances, self-inflating transported by motor vehicle only between an U.S. Coast Guard approved inflatable life raft servicing facility and a vessel are only subject to the following requirements: a. The material may only be loaded with Class 3, Class 8, and Division 4.1 materials in Packing Group II or III. 138 This entry applies to lead compounds which, when mixed in a ratio of 1:1,000 with 0.07 M (Molar concentration) hydrochloric acid and stirred for one hour at a temperature of 23 C 2 C, exhibit a solubility of more than 5%. N73 Packagings consisting of outer wooden or fiberboard boxes with inner glass, metal or other strong containers; metal or fiber drums; kegs or barrels; or strong metal cans are authorized and need not conform to the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter. 172 This entry includes alcohol mixtures containing up to 5% petroleum products. The cylinder must be transported in a closed motor vehicle displaying FLAMMABLE GAS placards in accordance with subpart F of part 172 of this subchapter. 368 In the case of non-fissile or fissile-excepted uranium hexafluoride, the material must be classified under UN3507 or UN2978. These special provisions are in addition to the standard packaging requirements. Lead-free Solder Figure 3: Engineer soldering a microcircuit Note, Tin here is the primary metal. Dry batteries not specifically covered by another entry in the 172.101 Table are covered by this entry (i.e., Batteries, dry, sealed, n.o.s.) in such a manner as to prevent short circuits, accidental operation, and significant movement relative to the cargo transport unit under the shocks, loadings, and vibrations normally incident to transport. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. A Shipper of a hazardous material is responsible for its classification and packaging prior to offering it for shipment to a Carrier. 43 The membrane filters, including paper separators and coating or backing materials, that are present in transport, must not be able to propagate a detonation as tested by one of the tests described in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I, Test series 1(a) (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). (i) These provisions apply to the transportation of hazardous materials in IM and UN Specification portable tanks. TP13 Self-contained breathing apparatus must be provided when this hazardous material is transported by sea. (7) Special Provisions (172.102) IB8, IP2, IP4 These special provisions are in addition to the standard packaging requirements. All openings must be closed with gasketed blank flanges or vapor tight threaded closures. c. The time between offering the material for transportation at the point of origin, and unloading the material at the destination does not exceed 48 hours. Packagings of other material constructed with a small amount of metal must be designed such that the hazardous material does not contact the metal. A191 Notwithstanding the Division 6.1 subsidiary risk for this description, the toxic subsidiary risk label and the requirement to indicate the subsidiary risk on the shipping paper are not required for manufactured articles containing less than 5 kg (11 pounds) of mercury. b. b. If you would like to comment on the current content, please use the 'Content Feedback' button below for instructions on contacting the issuing agency. If a fuel cell engine is installed in a vehicle, the vehicle must be described using Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable gas powered or Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable liquid powered, as appropriate. 385 Notwithstanding the provisions of 177.834(l) of this subchapter, cargo heaters may be used when weather conditions are such that the freezing of a wetted explosive material is likely. A lighter refill exceeding 4 fluid ounces capacity (7.22 cubic inches) or containing more than 65 grams of fuel must be classed as a Division 2.1 material, described with the proper shipping name appropriate for the material, and packaged in the packaging specified in part 173 of this subchapter for the flammable gas contained therein. 34 The commercial grade of calcium nitrate fertilizer, when consisting mainly of a double salt (calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate) containing not more than 10 percent ammonium nitrate and at least 12 percent water of crystallization, is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. A61 a. (b) Description of codes for special provisions. If you have questions or comments regarding a published document please Size of marking on bulk package must conform to 172.302(b) of this subchapter. Column 4 specifies the applicability of 178.275(g)(3) of this subchapter for the pressure relief devices. B68 Sodium must be in a molten condition when loaded and allowed to solidify before shipment. 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table (HMT). 19 For domestic transportation only, the identification number UN1075 may be used in place of the identification number specified in column (4) of the 172.101 table. If a package contains both lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries packed with and contained in equipment, then the shipping paper must indicate both UN 3091 Lithium metal batteries packed with equipment and UN 3481 Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment.. If a frangible disc is required in series with the reclosing pressure relief device for the specified portable tank, the alternative portable tank must be fitted with a frangible disc in series with the reclosing pressure relief device; and, (1) When two effective means are specified, the alternative portable tank is fitted with bottom openings having two or three effective means of closure or no bottom openings; or, (2) When three effective means are specified, the portable tank has no bottom openings or three effective means of closure; or.